4 min read
Neuro-Quantum Studies Produce Objective Findings of TBI
Neuro-Quantum Studies Produce Objective Findings of Traumatic Brain Injury By Nathan J.D. Veldhuis
Read MoreNathan began his legal career while in law school interning for the Hon. B. Waugh Crigler, United States Magistrate Judge for the Western District of Virginia (Ret). Nathan has spent his entire career representing people and/or family members and friends of individuals who have been injured or killed through no fault of their own. Nathan has worked on cases from “fender benders” to major catastrophic events caused by the negligence of other people, corporations, or the state and/or federal government. His compassion for his clients gives Nathan a better understanding of those who have experienced, or are experiencing, difficulties due to their injuries. This compassion and understanding, mixed with Nathan’s integrity and passion for fairness, is evident when counseling clients, working tirelessly to ensure the best outcome.
4 min read
Neuro-Quantum Studies Produce Objective Findings of Traumatic Brain Injury By Nathan J.D. Veldhuis
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Mental Health Resources and the Criminal Justice System: Assessment and Plan for Integration in Charlottesville, Virginia By Michael Ordonez, Kara...
1 min read
Age Diminishes the Testicular Steroidogenic Response to Repeated Intravenous Pulses of Recombinant Human LH During Acute GNRH-Receptor Blockade in...
Virginia’s New Permissible Venue Statute: What is a “Practical Nexus”? By Robert C. T. Reed, Esq. and Nathan J. Veldhuis, Esq.
1 min read
By Robert C. T. Reed, Esq. and Nathan J. Veldhuis, Esq.
A Book Review Reviewed by Nathan Veldhuis
1 min read
By Nathan J. D. Veldhuis
Critical Changes to Va. S. Ct. Rules 1:1 and 1:11 that Every Litigator Needs to Know: How Final is the Finality of Judgments, Orders and Decrees in...