1 min read

1 min read
Joe Whitcomb
May 31, 2021
On November 8, 2019, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed in part and remanded in part Jonella Tesone's ADA claim back to the U.S. District Court. The issue that Ms. Tesone's lawyers took to the Court of Appeals was whether a plaintiff could prevail in an ADA claim without the benefit of a medical expert.
The District Court held that it was impossible to prevail without a medical expert and the 10th Circuit reversed. Ms. Tesone's lawyers also appealed the District Court's ruling that it had not met the "good cause" burden for an expansion of time for appointing an expert. The 10th affirmed that decision. Also on appeal was Ms. Tesone's motion to amend her complaint to add two additional claims for relief to her complaint. The 10th affirmed that decision as well.
The case is now on remand to the District Court to determine whether summary judgment is still proper given the 10th Circuit's decision on the expert issue.