Many individuals depend on the benefits from Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Benefits. Unfortunately, in several types of situations, disability benefits can be terminated. It is important for individuals to understand the many situations that can result in the end of disability benefits. Many individuals in these situations find it essential and helpful to retain the assistance of a skilled attorney.
Situations in which Disability Benefits End
There are some unique circumstances in which disability benefits end, which include the following:
The Death of the Individual. If the recipient of the benefits dies, SSDI will be terminated. If an individual was receiving SSDI and has a surviving spouse, children, or family, however, there is a possibility that survivor benefits might be available.
Disabled Child Turning 18. The Social Security Administration automatically reviews cases concerning children who receive benefits when they turn 18. Benefits will be discontinued if a child fails to meet the disability as defined by the government.
Failed Medical Reviews. The Social Security Administration requires individuals to attend regular medical reviews to determine continued eligibility for Social Security benefits. Individuals who fail to attend these medical evaluations can have their benefits terminated.
Full-Time Employment. The most common way in which individuals lose social security disability benefits is by returning to work. Even in the event that an individual does gain full time employment, a person can often keep disability benefits through Medicare until health insurance coverage commences.
Imprisonment. SSDI and other types of disability benefits will be discontinued for as long as a person is incarcerated. In many cases, individuals who are imprisoned for an extended period of time will need to reapply for benefits.
Part Time Employment. Individuals can lose disability benefits if they work part time. The Social Security Administration enforces specific maximum amounts of income for part-time work, which means that once individuals have earned this amount for nine months then they will lose their benefits. These nine months do not need to be consecutive in order to result in the termination of disability benefits.
Medical Improvement. Individuals whose health improves are at risk of having their social security benefits terminated. Social Security will make the decision to terminate benefits through the Continuing Disability Review (CDR) process. If a claims examiner finds a medical improvement and that an individual is now able to work, an individual will no longer be considered disabled and benefits will be terminated.
Contact a Knowledgeable Disability Attorney
If you are faced with the termination of disability benefits, it is a wise idea to contact a seasoned attorney. As a result, individuals who receive notice from Social Security that their case is being re-evaluated should not hesitate to contact a skilled attorney. At Whitcomb, Selinsky, PC and its disability arm, Rocky Mountain Disability Law Group, our law firm understands the very important role that disability benefits play in the lives of many individuals. If you are facing such a situation, do not hesitate to contact our law firm at (303) 534-1958 or by filling out our online form. We are conveniently located in downtown Denver.